Sound recording


3086 Archival description results for Sound recording

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Address in Kingston, Aug. 8, 1984 Address in Kingston, Aug. 12, 1984

Addresses in Kingston during the 1984 Federal Election Campain by John Napier Turner and Martin Brian Mulroney. Side One: 1) Address by Turner during 1984 Federal Election Campaign. Also Chuck Anderson, Ronald Vastokas and George Speal. Address at Dinner ... »

Address to the Canadian Club, Toronto, Oct. 25, 1976 Opening ceremony, Kingston, May 17, 1975

  • Recordings of John Turner's address to the Canadian Club in Toronto, and the Opening ceremony of Abramsky Hall. Side One: 1) John Turner discussing national unity, language and bilingualism.
  • 2) Speeches on the opening of Abramsky Hall by Chancellor Rt. Hon. Roland Michener, Dr. Wall, Dr. Hatcher, Mr. Abramsky and University Chaplain Rev. A.M. Laverty. Side Two: blank.

Kerr, Clark Bissell, Claude Thomas

Side One: Clark Kerr: "Higher Education in the United States: The best of times, the worst of times." [Address in the Chancellor Dunning Trust Lecture Series] Dec. 5, 1968. Side Two: Claude Thomas Bissell: "Academic freedom: the student version" [Address ... »

Meyerson, Martin Frye, Northrop

Side One: "Ethical Issues Involved in Changing the Physical Environment." Nov.7, 1968 [Address in The University and the Ethics of Change Symposium] - Myerson. Side Two: "The role of the university" [Address in symposium The University and Ethics of ... »

Pearson, Lester Bowles Corry, James Alexander

Side One: Address in the Brockington Visitor Lecture Series by former Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson in January 1969. First Brockington Lecture in Grant Hall. Side Two: Convocation including L.L.D. to Lester B. Pearson - not mentioned in Audio Holdings ... »

Results 1 to 10 of 3086