Boat House: Flashing & Concrete Roofing Slab: No.109
- CA ON00239 F2087-56
- Item
- 8 Oct. 1934
Item is an architectural drawing of the Flashing and concrete roofing slab of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
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Boat House: Flashing & Concrete Roofing Slab: No.109
Item is an architectural drawing of the Flashing and concrete roofing slab of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: First Floor Plan (untitled) wirh grid
Item is an architectural drawing of the First floor plan of the Boat House of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island, showing living area, canoe house, launch house, work room, and equipment room. Grid is drawn on verso.
Wood, John Walter
Item is an architectural drawing with details of the First Floor plan of the Boat House of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island showing living area, canoe house, launch house, work room and equipment room.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Elevation "A", "B", "C", "D" and Plan of Bathroom: No.50
Item is an architectural drawing of four elevations and a plan for the bathroom of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: East Elevation (untitled) with grid
Item is an architectural drawing of the East Elevation of the Boat House of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island. Grid is drawn on verso.
Wood, John Walter
Item is an architectural drawing of the East Elevation of the Boat House of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island. Inscriptions: extreme high water, water level 7.1.34, extreme low water, and living room floor line.
scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Details of Wood Doors: No.53
Item is an architectural drawing showing details of the wood doors of the canoe house for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Details of Recess & Elevation of Front End of Dock: No. S5
Item is an architectural drawing with details of recess and elevations of the front end of the dock of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Details of Railings: No.51
Item is an architectural drawing of the different railings of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Detail Showing Insulation of Water Supply Line
Item is an architectural drawing of the insulation of the water supply line for the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter