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24 Archival description results for Aeronautics

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Air Shows

Item is a photograph of the 1930 Air Meet at Kingston. Identified are W. Travers; Squadron Leader Riddell and Dr. Jack Broom.

Air Shows

Item is a photograph of the Pussmoth CFCCC of Col. Joy(?) Inspector of Civil Aviation at 1930 Air Meet in Kingston.

Air Shows.

Items are six photos of the Air Meet at Kingston and printed in the Toronto Daily Star. All photos are identified including Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Beaudoin; Squad Leader A.T. Cowley and Mrs. C.J. Duncan; Ed Johnson and L.R. Keeley.

Air Shows.

Item is a newspaper account of Air Meet on June 4,1930 with two photographs. All individuals are identified. Taken from the Kingston Whig Standard.

Timothy, A.R.

Air Shows

Item is a photograph of the Eastern Ontario Air Meet, June 3rd 1930 at Kingston under the auspices of the Flying Club of Kingston.

Timothy, A.R.

Results 1 to 10 of 24