[A Thrilling Glimpse near Marsouins, Perron Blvd, PQ Canada]
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- [19--]
Photograph of Perron blvd, road by the rocky cliffs and view of water out towards the left
Henderson, H.V.
[A Thrilling Glimpse near Marsouins, Perron Blvd, PQ Canada]
Photograph of Perron blvd, road by the rocky cliffs and view of water out towards the left
Henderson, H.V.
The fonds consist of photographs depicting life in Chesterfield's postings within the Hudson Bay district, such as Moose Factory, Fort George, Great Whale River, and Rigolet on the Labrador coast. Included also are images depicting Montreal buildings, ... »
Chesterfield, Albert Alexander
Photograph of arch rock formation sun shining through the archway and reflecting the water
Black and white photograph of Bakers Hotel, looks like a large house, sitting elevated up the walkway
Novelty Manufacturing and Art Company Limited
Photograph of bank building on a street with trees near the entrances
E.H. Richer & Fils
Photograph of the basilica large church building as well as the gardens near its entrance
Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.
Photograph of interior of Ste Anne Basilica, lavish coloumns and church art is seen around the place and is set up in a traditional pew and alter set up. Incription on the postcard reads: Sincerly Laura Bond
Raphael Tuck and Sons'
Photograph of interior of basilica showcasing lavish religious art, sculptures and architechture
Raphael Tuck and Sons'
[Basilica of St Anne de Beaupre]
Photograph from birds eye view of the basilica and the surrounding/background area
[Basilica of St Anne de Beaupre]
Photograph from elevated view of the Basillica, very large building spans beyond camera view