Nova Scotia



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Nova Scotia

416 Descripción archivística results for Nova Scotia

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[Private Hedges of OW Johnson]

Photograph of hedges of a house, very well maintained, clear sidewalk. Incription on the postcard reads: I am sending a picture of one of the lovely hedges- we see these beautiful hawthorn hedges everywhere. This is a lovely spot- on the edge of a lake, three miles from yarmouth. I leave here for Digby about the 28th.

Yarmouth Portrait Co.


Photograph of Markland yarmouth. photo taken close to field with trees farther back and some kind of log fence blocking the way up to more buildings in yarmouth.. Incription on the postcard reads: John certainly was might good []. Sorry she could not stay longer Well be up Rome time.

[Yarmouth Light]

Photograph of Yarmouth lighthouse on rocky area that stretches over the water. Incription on the postcard reads: Dear Grace Mama and I left Boston Tuesday at 2. Relock on the North Star and arrived in Yarmouth NS about 6 yesterdat. At 4 oclock we took the stage for port maittand - a 12 mile drive - we had a fine trip down on the boat moonlight and not rough. There is a nice beach here. Has rained all day to day so only took a [] to the water which is near.

Yarmouth Portrait Co.

[Collings Street]

Photograph from elevated view looking down collings street, buildings and greenery line the street. Incription on the postcard reads: Dear Friend I received your card. Was glad to hear from you. We are having awful hot weather down hear. It is too bad your time is taken up so that you dont have time to write. From your friend.

Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.

[Milton Yarmouth NS]

Photograph of milton yarmouth, large house/building, road coming down with person on horse drawn carriage.. Incription on the postcard reads: Dear Goldie, We got all your postal thinks I go to school every day. The little boy that was sick is dead

E.J. Vickery

Resultados 401 a 410 de 416