Grand Pré, NS



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Grand Pré, NS

Grand Pré, NS

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Grand Pré, NS

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Grand Pré, NS

29 Archival description results for Grand Pré, NS

29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Evangeline's Well and Willows, Grand Pre, N.S.

Illustration of a stone well on a field with trees in the background; a wooden structure consisting of a pole sticking up from the ground supporting another pole sitting at an angle with the ground intercepting with the top of the first pole, and a long string hanging from the upper end of the second pole

Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.

Evangeline's Well, Grand Pré, Nova Scotia

Photograph of a stone well and a small stick being suspended by a chain from the top of a larger stick making an angle with the ground and being supporter by a shorter stick perpendicular from the ground; in the background, a house to the left and bushes and trees to the right

H.S. Crocker Co., Inc.

Results 1 to 10 of 29