- CA ON00239 F1411-S8-f2
- Unidad documental compuesta
- 1879-1999
Parte deKingston Picture collection
File consists of images of army units in Kingston.
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Parte deKingston Picture collection
File consists of images of army units in Kingston.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Army encampment (7th Battery). Fort Henry is in the background.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
2nd Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force. H. Company 21st Battalion. Kingston,Ont.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Postcard of a bulldog with the inscription "Sergt. Mascot Buster, 21st Battalion, C.E.F. "Let Me Loose At the Kaiser'."
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Overhead view of the parade square at the Barriefield Army Base during World War II.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Overhead view of the army base during World War II - looking out toward the water.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Army truck parked on a country road with a radio operator standing behind.
Parte deKingston Picture collection
Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and men of the C.A.S.C. 3rd Military District, Kingston.
Blakemore Studio
Parte deKingston Picture collection
South Frontenac Troop of 4th Hussars. Only Sergeant Major J.B. Toner is identified.
Charles L. Rosevear Studio
Parte deKingston Picture collection
The Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants, C.S.T.C. taken at Vimy Barracks, Kingston, Ontario.
Federal Photos