- CA ON00239 F1411-S3-152
- Item
- 21 Jan. 1843
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Pen and brown ink titled "Weller's Winter Stage".
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Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Pen and brown ink titled "Weller's Winter Stage".
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
View of Lord Durham's Re-embarkation at Counter's Wharf, July 20,1838. Pencil on grey paper.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Masonic Hall, 1825-1833. Kingston,Ont.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
"Steamer Great Britain - built in 1830 & 31 at Prescott. Sketch by VanCleve in 1831."Pen and ink and watercolour.
Smith, Frances K.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
General View of Kingston,1852. Pen and ink and watercolour.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of a watercolour of Navy Bay, Kingston Harbour, July 1815. Includes a numerical key identifying each ship.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of watercolour on paper. Navy Bay, Kingston Harbour. Enlargement of centre portion of AR-52.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
"Kingston, Canada West from Fort Henry,1855". Colour lithography.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
The 'Queen of the Lakes' sailing ship in full sail.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Sketch by R.G. Trotter, reproduced on a Christmas card, of the oldest limestone building in Kingston on the corner of Queen & Ontario Streets.