- CA ON00239 F1411-S2-f2
- File
- 1940
Part of Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of airports in Kingston.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of airports in Kingston.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of airships in Kingston.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of an R100 Airship over Kingston,1930.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of R-100 Airship over Murney Tower in Macdonald Park in Kingston.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of artifacts related to Kingston history.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Photograph of a reconstructed scene of 'The Corn Harvest of the Senecas'. The background represents the Genesee Gorge at Squakie Hill, N.Y.
J.A. Glenn
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Photograph of a reconstruction of a Huron Long House. Sleeping platforms, pots and utensils etc.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of both sides of a British Victories medal from 1758.
Gem Photographic Productions Ltd.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Relief portrait in marble of Louis XIV,King of France 1643-1715.
Part of Kingston Picture collection
Photo of the 'Royal Chair' in the parlour of a private home. The Royal Chair was first used in 1879 on the occasion of a visit by the Marquis and Marchioness of Lorne.
Kemp, Marsden A.