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Joanne Page fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2879
  • Arquivo
  • 1982-2013

The fonds consists of both personal and professional papers created by Joanne Page over a thirty year period and predominantly reflect the activities that Page undertook as a columnist, author, artist and poet. The records have been arranged into four series, Commonplace books, Writing, Bronwen Wallace and Miscellaneous.

Page, Joanne

Senkler collection

  • CA ON00239 F2966
  • Coleção
  • 1843-1872

The collection is comprised of sixty letters written during the years of 1843 to 1872 to George Copeman in England.Fifty-three are original letters, four are copies of the originals which are housed in the Dr. Albert E Senkler, (EJS’s son) collection at the Minnesota Historical Museum in St Paul, and three that were transcribed by hand by his grandson Edmund J Reynolds ( EJR) but the whereabouts of the originals is no longer known.

Transcriptions of the original letters are also available and appear to have been transcribed by EJR, perhaps in the 1920s.

Edmund John Senkler

Kingston Poor Relief Society fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3007
  • Arquivo
  • 1924-1933

The fonds consists of two handwritten minute books for the Executive meetings of the Society taking a standard form with attendance noted, finances discussed and the work of the members reported.

Kingston Poor Relief Society

William Closson James fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2902
  • Arquivo
  • 1978-2000

The fonds predominantly consists of of James' research notes, grant applications, interviews, correspondence, articles and drafts for his book and exhibition (at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre) on Albert Chesterfield: A Fur Trader's Photographs: A. A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-04 (1985). There is also a draft of his book Locations of the Sacred and material pertaining to Arthur Twomey's Needle to the North, which James edited for Oberon Press in 1982. Also includes James' research for the Religious Diversity Project, documenting religious organizations in Kingston, Ontario.

James, William Closson

Kingston Lawn Bowling Club fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2153
  • Arquivo
  • 1915-2008

Fonds consists of Minute Books of the Kingston Lawn Bowling Club and its antecedents and affiliates, including the Queen's (Lawn) Bowling Club, and the Kingston Women's (Ladies) Lawn Bowling Club; Letters Patent and copy of the original Land Deed; a history of the Club; legal and financial records; subject files; photographs; and clippings.

Kingston Lawn Bowling Club

J.W. (Bill) Fitsell fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2375
  • Arquivo
  • 1838-2014

Fonds consists of correspondence, research notes, manuscripts, and clippings related to Bill Fitsell's news columns that ran in the Kingston Whig-Standard, and interests in hockey history; the Cliff Bowering sous-fonds (1953-1980); subject files (1900-2000); scrapbooks (1951-1966); Whig-Standard (1838-2011); Kingston Sports (1898-[2013]); photographs ([ca. 1884]-2003); International Hockey Hall of Fame (1943-2012); hockey ([1871]-2014); writings (1969-2012); sound recordings (1973-2006); photographs of the historical plaque unveiling associated with Meagher House, Kingston, Ontario (1984).

Fitsell, J.W. (Bill)

Frederick Wellington Gibson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1944
  • Arquivo
  • 1867-1988

The fonds consists of correspondence, research notes, press clippings, and subject files. Includes drafts of Queen's University, Volume II, 1916-1961: book, and draft manuscript of his study on imperial defence and naval policy, 1887-1914, files relating to his work as Vice Principal Academic at Queen's University and his graduate students. The papers also contain some original files, 1911-1913, of the pages of L.P. Brodeur, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. There is also an extensive collection of subject files relating to William Lyon Mackenzie King. This material includes copies of most of the memoranda prepared for use by the official biographers of Mackenzie King.

Gibson, Frederick Wellington

Robert Ayre fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1940
  • Arquivo
  • 1925-1978

The fonds consists of correspondence with members of the art world including a lengthy personal correspondence with artist Charles Comfort (1934-1978), articles by himself and others, press clippings, texts of lectures, art catalogues, pamphlets, scrapbooks of art reviews (1938-1969), Christmas cards from A.Y. Jackson and material relating to Lionel Le Moine Fitzgerald, Edmond Dyonnet, Charles Comfort and others.

Ayre, Robert

Al Purdy fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2017
  • Arquivo
  • [192-]-2012

The fonds consists of manuscripts, correpospondence, photographs and audio recordings documenting the life's work and literary activities of Canadian poet Al Purdy and, to a lesser extent, the life of his wife Eurithe Mary Jane Purdy (b. Parkhurst). Includes correspondence with many of the major figures of Canadian literature including Margaret Atwood, Earle Birney, Michael Ondaatje, Dennis Lee, Timothy Findley, Diane Dawber, Susan Musgrave, George Woodcock, H.R. "Bill" Percy, Margaret Dyment, Rosemary Sullivan, Sid Marty, Fraser Sutherland, Ralph Gustafson, John Metcalf, James C. Deahl, Irving Layton, George Woodcock, Robert Fulford and many others. Carbon copies of many of Purdy's letters, both "incoming" and "outgoing," are also represented. The manuscripts cover all aspects of Purdy's literary activities, foremost as a poet, but also include rough notes drafts and final versions of his prose, plays, articles and reviews. Nearly every publication by Purdy throughout his career is represented, although his work from 1970 to 2000 is available in its entirety within this fonds, with drafts of some earlier works residing with other archival institutions. Also includes notes for speeches, lectures and presentations. Among the photographs are images of Purdy taken by professional photographers for book covers or other promotional purposes, family photographs and documents of trips to Peru, Mexico, Greece, among other destinations. Also includes photos from poetry readings. The fonds also contains published items, such as copies of Purdy's poems, prose and reviews; clippings and reviews of his work; and general articles about the author. Other material represented in this fonds document Purdy's activities judging writing contests, book tours, conferences and his own personal life.

Purdy, Alfred Wellington

Kingston Summer Theatre fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2882
  • Arquivo
  • 1978-1985

The fonds consists of the administrative and operational records of Kingston Summer Theatre, including the minutes of the Board of Directors and Annual General Meetings, financial statements, Staff records and production records from 1979 - 1984.

Kingston Summer Theatre

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