Graphic material



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Graphic material

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Graphic material

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Graphic material

2046 Archival description results for Graphic material

2046 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Aerial Photographs

Aerial view of Queen's University and Kingston waterfront looking east. View shows Stirling Hall, Morris Hall, Gordon-Brockington Hall, Kingston General Hospital and the Water Purification Plant.

Aerial Photographs

Aerial view of the Kingston Women's Penitentiary and the Kingston Penitentiary looking southwest. View includes the Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.

Baumgartel, Jerry

Aerial Photographs

Aerial view looking out over the lake which shows Carruthers Point and the former DuPont Canada plant, located on Front Road, Kingston, Ont.

Aerial Photographs

Item is a photograph of Kingston and waterfront looking north. View shows Ontario Street from the Locomotive works to LaSalle Causeway, St. George's Cathedral and City Hall.

Aerial Photographs.

Aerial view of the Frontenac County Court house. Postcard is inscribed 'Court House, Kingston, Ont. Taken from an Aeroplane./copyright,Canada 1919,by Bishop Barker Co.,Limited,Toronto'.

Bishop-Barker Co. Ltd.

Aerial Photographs

Aerial view of Kingston, looking west from the harbour. View includes City Hall, Confederation Park, Saint George's Cathedral and Hotel Dieu Hospital.

Aerial photographs

Aerial photograph looking north from the lake over Queen's University and the Kingston General Hospital.

Berry, Wallace R.

Results 2021 to 2030 of 2046