Série organique S7 - Faculty of Applied Science

Engineering Society Open House (2 tapes)Mech Eng 492 Final Presentations: #1Telami Corporation, #2 Fly By LightMech Eng 492 Final Presentations: #3 Zeta Technologies #4 B & B Inc.Mech Eng 492 Final Presentations: #5 Applied Sonic Research #6 Apex Bicycle ProductsMech Eng 493: Wildertyke, Queen's Entrepreneur CompetitionMech Eng: MechmaniaCentre for Advanced Gas Combustion Technology - Formal OpeningScience Quest 88: Queen's Engineering Society (2 copies)Symposium on Engineering and the Environment: Solid Waste Management - What Are the Options? Tape 1Symposium on Engineering and the Environment: Solid Waste Management - What Are the Options? Tape 2

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Titre propre

Faculty of Applied Science

Niveau de description

Série organique

Zone des dates de production


  • 1982 - 1995 (Production)

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Portée et contenu

Series is comprised of films and videos produced by QTV for the Faculty of Engineering.

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