Digby, NS


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Digby, NS

8 Archival description results for Digby, NS

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Digby Gap, N. S.

Illustration of a lake with two rocky parches of land on the centre and foreground, and a two mountains in the distance that almost meet in the middle of the frame, where there is a sailboat

Valentine-Black Co. Ltd.

Fish, That's all, Digby, N. S.

Black and white illustration of an intersection of two dirt roads, one side of the incoming road is lined by house and what appear to be bags full of fish are placed in the centre of the frame. Incription on the postcard reads: "This is a familiar sight (... »

Salmon River Corner, Digby Co.

Sepia toned illustration of a house with a sign that reads 'GULLISON BROS.' on the front entrance and people by the front stepts. Incription on the postcard reads: "Having a lovely time, will see you next week, George."

Gullison Bros.