Details of all Sleeping Porches (#1,2 & 3): No.107.2
- CA ON00239 F2087-37
- Item
- 29 Oct. 1930-1 Nov. 1930
Item is an architectural blueprint showing details of all the sleeping porches of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
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Details of all Sleeping Porches (#1,2 & 3): No.107.2
Item is an architectural blueprint showing details of all the sleeping porches of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Item is an architectural blueprint of an unknown portion of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
First Floor Framing Plan: No.S.1
Item is an archtectural blueprint of the First floor framing plan including a chart of the bent and straight steel bars all from the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
South and North Elevation: No.S.4.
Item is an architectural blueprint of the south and north elevations of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Item is an architectural blueprint showing the location of the wall steel of the east elevation of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Full Size Details of Out Swinging Exterior Door Frames: No.103
Item is an architectural drawing of detials of the out swinging exterior door frames of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Flashing & Concrete Roofing Slab: No.109
Item is an architectural drawing of the Flashing and concrete roofing slab of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: Full Size Details of Main Entrance Door Frame: No.101.
Item is an architectural drawing of details of the main entrance door frame of the Boat House for Mr. Sherman Pratt on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Exisitng Exposed Concrete Details on House for Mr. Sherman Pratt: Dwg No. 1.
Item is an architectural drawing of the exisitng exposed concrete details of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Boat House: First Floor Plan (untitled) wirh grid
Item is an architectural drawing of the First floor plan of the Boat House of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island, showing living area, canoe house, launch house, work room, and equipment room. Grid is drawn on verso.
Wood, John Walter