F.S. Details of Seat Etc. in Dining Room: FS27
- CA ON00239 F2087-167
- Item
- 24 Jun. 1931
Item is an architectural drawing showing full scale deatils of the dining room of the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
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F.S. Details of Seat Etc. in Dining Room: FS27
Item is an architectural drawing showing full scale deatils of the dining room of the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Full Size Details of Study: FS28
Item is an architectural drawing showing full scale deatils of the study in the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Sketch of Typical Windows: No.No.
Item is an architectural sketch of what the windows typical look like in the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Scale Details for Copper at Sleeping Porches No.1, 2, & 3: No.3
Item is an architectural blueprint showing scale details for the copper at the sleeping porches of the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Scale Details for Lead Coated Copper Flashing at Chimneys & at Window Sills: No.2
Item is two architectural blueprints scale details for lead coated copper flashing at the chimneys and at the window sills of the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Details of Parapet Over Living Room: FS 4
Item is an architectural blueprint of full size details of parapet
over living room of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Item is an architectural blueprint of full size details of typical section of walls between dressing rooms and sleeping porches, and section of parapet over study of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
Details of Special Window on North Wall of Tower Room: FS 20
Item is an architectural blueprint of full size details of special window on north wall of tower room of the Sherman Pratt house on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
North and South Elevations: No.4
Item is an architectural drawing showing the north and south elevations of the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter
F.S. Living Room Details: FS 33
Item is an architectural sketch of sections through mantel, steps, book shelves and skirting in living room of the Sherman Pratt House on Niagara Island.
Wood, John Walter