Queen's University--Buildings



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Queen's University--Buildings

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Queen's University--Buildings

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Queen's University--Buildings

1379 Descripción archivística results for Queen's University--Buildings

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Agnes Etherington Art Centre

Item is a photograph of the Agnes Etherington Art Centre. It has a view of the exterior, showing the sculpture "The Road Back" by Irving Burman (1962).

Berry, Wallace R.

Agnes Etherington Art Centre

View of the Art Centre from Queen's Crescent. Stamped on reverse with photographer's negative no. 717-5.

Berry, Wallace R.

Agnes Etherington Art Centre - Interior

Item is a photograph of the Agnes Etherington Art Centre. The views are of the galleries of the Agnes Etherington Art Centre at the time of the Heritage Kingston display in 1973.

Berry, Wallace R.

Botterell Hall

Basic Sciences Library Building, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.

Schieder, F.R.

Resultados 1351 a 1360 de 1379