Item 0006 - Letter, Portage la Prairie, MN, to Lorne

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Letter, Portage la Prairie, MN, to Lorne

Level of description


Dates of creation area


  • 16 Feb. 1929 (Creation)
    Garrioch, Alfred Campbell
  • 1929 (Receipt)
    Pierce, Lorne Albert

Physical description area

Physical description

Item extent to be completed at a later date

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Alfred Campbell Garrioch was born on 10 February 1848, at Middlechurch near Fort Garry, Manitoba. He attended St. John's College in Winnipeg, and was ordained as a priest of the Anglican Church in 1875. A year later he was sent to the northwest as a ... »

Scope and content

Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, discussing revisions of A hatchet mark in duplicate.

Notes area

General note


Control area



Related people and organizations

Location (use this to request the file)

  • Folder: 2001, Box 3, File 5