Saint George's Cathedral, Anglican (1862- )
- CA ON00239 F1411-S37-f25-21
- Pièce
- [Copied ca. 1990] (originally created [ca. 1895])
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Interior view of St. George's Cathedral.
167 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Saint George's Cathedral, Anglican (1862- )
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Interior view of St. George's Cathedral.
Saint George's Cathedral, Anglican (1862-)
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Sketch of Saint George's Anglican Cathedral, which was published as part of a calendar.
Saint George's Church, Anglican (1792-1825)
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Saint George's Church, Anglican (1792-1825).
Saint George's Church, Anglican (1825-1862)
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Saint George's Church, Anglican (1825-1862).
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Sketch(?) showing an angled view of St. James' church.
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of St. James Church looking southeast from University Ave.
Guy R. Brassard
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of Saint Mary's Cathedral.
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Side view of the front towers of the Cathedral looking up Johnson Street.
Powell, James William
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Interior view of Saint Mary's Cathedral looking down the main aisle toward the Altar, taken after the renovations.
Photo Image
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Fait partie de Kingston Picture collection
Postcard inscribed (au verso) "ST.MARY'S CATHEDRAL/Kingston, Ontario, Canada".
Gananoque Reporter