- CA ON00239 F1411-S37-f20-3
- Item
- [Copied ca. 1990] (originally created [ca. 1950])
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
View of the back garden and verandah of Notre Dame Convent.
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Parte de Kingston Picture collection
View of the back garden and verandah of Notre Dame Convent.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of Queen Street Methodist Church.
Powell, James William
Saint Andrew's Church, Presbyterian
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of Saint Andrew's Church.
Sheldon & Davis
Saint Andrew's Church, Presbyterian
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Architectural drawing of a perpendicular style window by Andrew Drummond(?).Done in pen and ink and grey, yellow and blue washes. Probably connected with the remodelling of old Saint Andrew's as paper has watermark:1832.
St. Andrew's Church, Presbyterian
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
View of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church.
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Interior view of Saint Mary's Cathedral
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
An information pamphlet inscribed "ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL/1843-1973/KINGSTON,ONTARIO" and published to celebrate the cathedral's 125th anniversary. Pamphlet contains various photographs and historical information about the Cathedral.
Saint Mary's Cathedral, Roman Catholic
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Two unidentified women on the steps of Saint Mary's Cathedral.
Saint Mary's Rectory, Roman Catholic
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Angled view of the Rectory of Saint Mary's.
Saint Mary's Rectory, Roman Catholic
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
The Archbishops House and garden with Saint Mary's Cathedral, with original tower, in the background.