- CA ON00239 F1411-S21-f1
- Ficheiro
- 1900
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of clothes and costumes.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of clothes and costumes.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Revived Carignan-Salieres Regiment commanded by N. Patterson at Fort Frontenac.
Baird, William C.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Canada before 1763.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Photograph of a sketch(?) by unknown artist entitled 'The building of LaSalle's "Griffon"'. Published in Hennepin, R.P. Louis: "Nouvelle decouverte d'un tre grand pays dans l'Amerique..." Utrecht, 1697, pg.100.
Canada-History-Confederation, 1867
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Confederation.
Canada-History-Confederation, 1867
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Item is a photograph of 'Reading Proclamation announcing Confederation, Market Square, Kingston, Monday, July 1st 1867'. View of the crowd including military and civilian.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Re-enactment of the arrival of canoes below Fort Henry.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
File consists of images of dramatic re-enactments from of historical events in Kingston.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Photo of an engraving with the caption "Capture of Fort Frontenac, 1758". Drawn and engraved expressly for Tuttle's History of the Dominion of Canada.
Parte de Kingston Picture collection
Page from an 1887 magazine describing the history of Canada (in brief) with copies of three engravings (?) entitled 'Landing of Bienville de Celoron', 'Fort Frontenac, Canada, 1676' and 'Scaling the Heights of Abraham, Quebec'.