- CA ON00239 F1411-S36-f1-1
- Einzelstück
- Oct. 1977
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
'The Cedars'
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Teil vonKingston Picture collection
'The Cedars'
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Barriefield.
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
Winter scene showing houses and yards.
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
Unidentified house in Barriefield showing backyard and stone fence.
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
View of a military camp in Barriefield.
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
Angled view of the Northern Crown Bank and the Library, Bath, Ontario.
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
Angled view of the Main street(?) of Bath
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
File consists of images of Belleville.
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
Sketch of the Belleville (Corby) Public Library which was reproduced as part of a 1977 calendar.
Stapley, Jerry
Teil vonKingston Picture collection
Entrance to Victoria Park, Belleville
Sackett & Wilhelms Corp