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St. John, NB
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King Square Looking West St John NB

Photograph looking down pathway going through King Square, benches, fountains and trees can be seen in the surrounding areas and walking towards the camera person is a family with children.. Incription on the postcard reads: Did you have a good time over the 4th. This is great [] here- I am wearing a sweater all the time

T.H. Hall Colonial Book Store

Queen Square St John NB

Photograph of Queen Square, buildings can be seen around the swuare and a few inddivudals can be seen walking within it. Incription on the postcard reads: Will write soon. I am having a fine time so far, we arrived today (July 6) Lottie

Royal Kennebecasis Yacht Fleet St John NB

Photograph looking out on the water, royal kennebecasis yacht fleet seen, several yachts out on the water and one boat with several people on it. Incription on the postcard reads: Was very glad to get your card. How are all the folks? Do things seem just the same i n[] as they used to be? I would like to go back and see it all. Perhaps I can some day. Do you ever see grandmother now? We have had lovely weather this fall and no snow to speak of yet. The war is certainly terrible and one feels it more when their friends and relatives go. Write soon annie Reyes.

Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.

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