Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Kenneth Porter Kirkwood sous-fonds
- CA ON00239 SF41
- Sous-fonds
- 1941-1943
Sous-fonds consists of poems.
Kirkwood, Kenneth Porter
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Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Kenneth Porter Kirkwood sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of poems.
Kirkwood, Kenneth Porter
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Carl Frederick Klinck sous-fonds
Letter from W.L. Mackenzie King, 1943 Jan. 3, and a bibliography of Wilfred Campbell.
Klinck, Carl Frederick
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. George A. Klinck sous-fonds
Material relating to his book, Allons Gai.
Klinck, George A.
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Florence Randall Livesay sous-fonds
Sous-fonds consists of poems.
Livesay, Florence Randall
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Cecil Francis Lloyd sous-fonds
Correspondence, poetry, prose and biographical notes.
Lloyd, Cecil Francis
Lorne and edith Pierce collection. George Herbert Locke sous-fonds
Builders of the Canadian commonwealth : book
Locke, George Herbert
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. John Daniel Logan sous-fonds
Poetry and prose.
Logan, John Daniel
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Thomas D'Arcy McGee sous-fonds
Address to the Literary Club, Montreal, 1867 Nov. 4.
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Thomas Guthrie Marquis sous-fonds
Poetry and prose.
Marquis, T. G.
Lorne and Edith Pierce collection. Francis J.A Morris sous-fonds
Poetry and prose.
Morris, Francis J.A