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Queen's University. Chancellor fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1447
  • Fonds
  • 1877-1980

Convocation programmes, biographies of chancellors, tickets.

Queen's University. Chancellor

John H. Orr

  • CA ON00239 F2475
  • Discrete Item
  • 1932

Item is an order for a trial supply of Agarol.

Orr, John H.

John C. Bonham papers

  • CA ON00239 F580
  • Discrete Item
  • 1803-1949

Items are letters, photographs and photocopy of 1803 pamphlet relating to a wood tangent sight found in a magazine in Fort Henry, Kingston, Ont.

Bonham, John C.

The Casket and Scrapbook

  • CA ON00239 F640
  • Discrete Item
  • 1839

Items are a scrapbook containing clippings about ships, as well as assorted stories and poems.


Iryna Syrko Bilinska fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2725
  • Fonds
  • 1934-1995

The fonds is predominantly comprised of photographic material pertaining to the Kingston Ukrainian community in the latter half of the 20th century. Children's activities, family photos, identified and unidentified group and individual shots. The most consistant person that is identifiable throughout the material is Iryna (Irene) Syrko. There are a few textual documents as well, of particular note is material pertaining to Hanna Gaertner and an official photo id for Irene Syrko.

Armenian New Testament

  • CA ON00239 F571
  • Discrete Item
  • 1702

The book is either a New Testament or a book of devotions based on the New Testament. Ancient Armenian holograph written at Zeitoom in the province of Germanicia in Asia, at the Church of St. John and the Holy Virgin. Written by the hand of the priest, Harabed, in 1702. Also includes notes from Annie Gordon regarding the provenance of the book

Priest Harabed

Canadian Railway Club records, 1958-1966.

  • CA ON00239 F627
  • Discrete Item
  • 1958-1968

Official proceedings and one copy of 'The Christian Railroader' newspaper.

Canadian Railway Club

Court of King's Bench records

  • CA ON00239 F678
  • Discrete Item
  • 1794

Relates to the appointment of commissioners.

Court of King's Bench

Graduation diploma, 1856

  • CA ON00239 F1593
  • Discrete Item
  • 1856

This diploma is in a metal cylinder with pendant seal in excellent conditin.

William McKay

Accommodation Bank

  • CA ON00239 F528
  • Discrete Item
  • [ca. 1836]

Contains nineteen articles for constitution of the bank as approved by the directors. It appears from an article in the British Whig that the bank commenced operations in 1836.

Accommodation Bank

Résultats 3041 à 3050 sur 3056