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Frontenac Council. Knights of Columbus fonds

  • CA ON00239 F275
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1914]

Receipts of expenditures from the Frontenac Council Knghts of Columbus located in the Kingston, Ontario area.

Knights of Columbus (Frontenac Council)

Lorimer John Austin fonds

  • CA ON00239 F549
  • Arquivo
  • 1914-1950

Fonds consists of an article, entitled "My experiences as a German prisoner" (during World War I); and an extensive stamp collection.

Austin, Lorimer John

Donald Ewart collection

  • CA ON00239 F2376
  • Coleção
  • 1877-1913

Fonds consists of land documents relating to transactions between John Claxton, John Roushorn, and Queen's College (University).

Ewart, Donald

Narré des Hostilités commises sur l'Ohio en Amerique par les Francais; et de la Negociation qui s'en est suivie entre les couronnes de la Grande Bretagne et de France

  • CA ON00239 F889
  • Coleção
  • 1774-1775

Collection consists of a manuscript narrative (21 pages) together with 22 supporting documents presenting the official British case concerning the Anglo-French boundary disputes in North America and the course of diplomatic negotiations, 1754-1755. The narrative begins with George Washington's expedition to Fort Duquesne and his surrender at Fort Necessity and ends with Admiral Boscawen's ambassador's subsequent departure from London. These important manuscripts deal with the struggle between the French and English on the Ohio. In 1756, the French ministry published the following: "Memoire contenant le precis des faits, avec leurs observations envoyees par les Ministers d'Angleterre, dans les Cours de l'Europe." Sabin records this publication and notes: "The very curious history of this "memoire" deserves special attention. At the surrender of Fort Necessity by Washington, his Journal of the Expedition, together with the letters of Braddock to the British Ministry, and his instructions to Washington, were seized by French victors. They were immediately transmitted to France, and by order of the French king, printed and sent to every court of Europe as indicative the agressive character of the British. Drawing from these documents, they charge Washington with the murder of Jumonville. From the "Memoire" it will be seen that it is an answer to the "Observations" from the English Ministry sent to the Courts of Europe. It is suggested that "Narré des hostilités ..." with the supporting pieces are the English "Observations."


Livingston family collection

  • CA ON00239 F3108
  • Coleção
  • 1802-2000

Collection consists of documents acquired and assembled by Mildred Livingston in documenting her family genealogy and research interest in United Empire Loyalists. Includes records pertaining to the Livingston, Judson, Phelps and Mallory families among others and largely comprised of land records such as mortgages, deeds, grants with a small amount of correspondence, invoices, ledgers, etc. Also included are Mildred Livingston's research notes on various lineages.

Artur Zylinski Arthur fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1671
  • Arquivo
  • 1962-1988

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, publications, research and lecture notes dealing primarily with Dr. Arthur's work as a psychologist.

Arthur, Artur Zylinski

Donald Cameron MacDonald fonds

  • CA ON00239 F811
  • Arquivo
  • 1932-1999

The fonds consists of correspondence relating to his resignation from the leadership of the New Democratic Party in 1970, his resignation from the Legislature in 1982 and the Ontario New Democratic Party Hydro Task Force. The research notes, which were used for the preparation of his newspaper articles (1982-1987) contain material on many of the most important issues in Ontario politics during this period. The files on hydro illustrate the numerous problems (environmental, economic and technical) encountered by the province during the first half of the 1980's. The files of writings contain an extensive collection of his newspaper articles and book reviews written from 1977 to 1989. The fonds also includes an instructional video, produced by the [Ontario] Legislative Assembly Broadcast and Recording Service, and hosted by Donald C. MacDonald, entitled 'The Ontario Elections Finances Act: An Introduction', (April 1987).

MacDonald, Donald Cameron

Francis Xavier O'Connor fonds

  • CA ON00239 F908
  • Arquivo
  • 1902-1960

The fonds consists of correspondence, biographical material, subject files, degrees, photographs and miscellaneous material mostly relating to Dr. O'Connor's activities with the Queen's University military hospitals in World War I and with his connections to Queen's University. Also includes an annoted textbook on bacteriology.

O'Connor, Francis Xavier

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