Material collected by Lawrence Burpee about his uncle, James DeMille 1836-1880 and the DeMille family. Includes DeMille family letters 1836-1880 and 1880-1903; letters re Johnstone family, 1901-1908; Lawrence Burpee's letters re the DeMille family, 1924-1946; data re DeMille family tree; pictures (34) and clippings relating to James DeMille; and miscellaneous items including a copy of Anthony DeMille's will.
Fonds consists of Science '47 minutes and a scrapbook with clippings from Lachance's time at Queen's University. Also includes his blue woolen jacket of Science 1947
1968-Digitized 1994 (originally created [ca. 1970])
Collection consists of x-ray films of people talking, produced for the study of speech pathology. Films were purchased by Munhall through the Speech Perception and Production Lab from various places, including the University of Laval.
The collection consists of photographs depicting buildings, student life, events, prominent persons, athletics, and many other aspects of Queen's University.
Item is a photo album with numerous b&w photographs attached inside. About halfway through the album, there begins multiple pages of photographs around Queen's University: of students and buildings etc. It can be surmised that this photo album belonged to a female student from the graduating class around 1945, as there are faint dates written in pencil on some of the pages.
Item is a video contain a documentary on the history and evolution of the Kingston Psychiatric Hospital. Includes a small amount of patient testimony. Producer: Barry Gardiner. Senior Producer/Director: Janice Belanger. Producer/Director: Shallen Thompson. Writer: Susan Beeby.
Fonds consists of news articles and research relating to Pittsburgh Township for the Kingston Whig-Standard, as collected and written by Murray Hogben.