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Ontario Liberal Party fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3121
  • Arquivo
  • 1965-1978

This fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, ledgers, constituency files, minutes, publications, photographs, posters and material detailing the working of a provincial political party which is also responsible for the province's efforts in federal politics.

Ontario Liberal Party

Newman Club fonds

  • CA ON00239 F895
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1925]-1989

Correspondence, minutes, photographs, subject files and news clippings. Minutes, 1983-1989.

Newman Club (Queen's University)

Robert Nixon fonds

  • CA ON00239 F902
  • Arquivo
  • 1886-1999

Fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, constituency files, speeches, press releases, newspaper clippings, political memorabilia acquired during Robert Nixon's political career, office records from Nixon's Queen's Park office and from his constituency offices, material about the Nixon family and the political career of former Premier Harry C. Nixon, and a series of videos recording various speeches, dinners, family, and other celebrations.

Nixon, Robert Fletcher

Cataraqui Cemetery. Young Canada Works Report.

  • CA ON00239 F363
  • Discrete Item
  • 1978

Report relates to the historical significance of Cataraqui cemetery and measures required to restore certain aspeccts of the cemetery, its grounds and buildings.

Cataraqui Cemetery Company

Robert Samuel McLaughlin collection

  • CA ON00239 F837
  • Coleção
  • 1621-1918

The collection consists of original letters and documents. Includes items signed by Louis Xlll of France, Sir John A. Macdonald , Sir John Colborne, William Lyon Mackenzie, William McDougall, Israel Tarte, Sir John Thompson, Guglielmo Marconi, Lord Monck and L.S. Huntington. The microfilm contains articles relating to the death of Colonel Robert Samuel McLaughlin,

McLaughlin, Robert Samuel

Kevin Nagle fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3120
  • Arquivo
  • 1970-1976

The fonds consists of photographs of Kingston, including sailing events during the 1976 Olympics, images and film of air shows held in Kingston, photographs of buildings in Kingston during the Tercentenary celebrations, and some portraits.

Nagle, Kevin T.

George Ewan fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2954
  • Arquivo
  • 1963-2000

Fonds consists of material related to his work with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), and his time as a Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics, Queen's University at Kingston.

Ewan, George T.

George Leonard collection

  • CA ON00239 F2620
  • Coleção
  • [ca. 1900]-[1950]

The fonds consists of photographs taken between 1900 and 1950. Almost all of the buildings have either gone or have been so altered as to be almost unrecognisable now; the same might be said of the people. The mills and the rafting and dredging company were principal sources of employment at one time. In the early part of the century these went out of business. After that there seems to have been some tourist trade but not nearly enough to make much local employment. By the time the photograph of the section hands was taken they were very nearly the only regularly employed working men in the village. There was, of course, some farm work available on the surrounding farms, but most men had to depend on commuting to Kingston for work, if there was work to be found. For many years the railway provided the best access to Kingston and the station was an important part of the community. High school students, for example, travelled daily to Kingston by train to attend school. The opening of the highway made motor traffic a much more viable option for commuters and brought the little self contained village closer to the bed room suburb that it has now become. Various views of Collins Bay including cutting ice on Collins Bay, the grist mill, Langly's store, Elm Lodge, 1884 school, Collins Bay Station, Jubilee Women's Institute, Opening Hwy.33 etc. Also include a playbill from "Dust of the Earth".

Leonard, George

Judith Brown fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3027
  • Arquivo
  • 1988-2018

The fonds predominantly consists of records of the Afro-Caribe Community Foundation as well as some records from a variety of other community groups, such as Queen's University student groups, in which Brown has participated, or had interest. There is also a small amount of material that is representational of Brown's teaching career.

Brown, Judith

Saunders film collection

  • CA ON00239 F3028
  • Coleção
  • 1932-1936

At the end of 1930 William Eric Pentland Saunders, late of the Indian Army, and his wife, Margaret Helen Saunders, née Inverarity, set out westward from England on a trip around the world. Eric and Maisie embarked on the USS Leviathan at Southampton on December 16, 1930 and returned to England, via Ostend, on about June 11, 1935. They were accompanied throughout by Ivy Vanderplank who was in their employ.

Upon arrival in New York City (December 24, 1930) Maisie bought a Kodak 16mm movie camera. The majority of the films were shot by Maisie, though there are brief glimpses of her in a couple of films, when someone else, likely Eric, took the camera. The numbering of the surviving films suggests that in the course of her trip around the world she produced at least one hundred and twenty-nine reels. She produced another seven 400-foot reels upon her return to the United Kingdom. Most of the films have disappeared, a few have merely not been salvageable. The collection therefore consists of twenty-four 400-foot films, seventeen from the trip around the world and eight from the period after the Saunders' return to the United Kingdom.

The earliest surviving reel shows Peking in January 1932; the latest shows England in the summer of 1936. There are no surviving films from the first year of the Saunders' travels. The majority of the films from the trip around the world refer to the last year of the Saunders' travels -- that is, in the Middle East and Europe in 1934 and 1935.

The Saunders toured Japan until early in January 1932, when they took a ferry to Korea. They made their way overland to Manchuria, freshly occupied by Japan, then down to Peking, where the first of the extant films (24) finds them. The next surviving film (26) begins in Shanghai, where the Saunders party arrived, apparently by ship, during the last phase of the fighting between the Chinese and Japanese (February 1932. The film also shows the group's departure on the USS President Coolidge and its arrival in Hong Kong. Maisie Saunders's films of her party's subsequent travels in French Indochina, the Dutch East Indies and Ceylon and their long sojourn in Australia have all been lost. One film (59) survives from the Saunders's months in New Zealand.

Of stylistic note: many of the films are being shot from inside/on board vehicles. The hood ornaments of their various cars are often visible in the shot.

Saunders, Margaret (Maisie) Helen Strickland

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