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5 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Diary of G.A Hayunga

  • CA ON00239 F2944
  • Discrete Item
  • [1864]-[1865]

This is a typewritten transcript of a diary kept by Dr. George A. Hayunga during his time as a surgeon with the United States Navy during the American Civil War. The diary is dated from July 9 1864 to July 18 1865.

Hayunga, Dr. George A.

Isabella Cartwright sketch book

  • CA ON00239 F2921
  • Discrete Item
  • [ca. 1930]

Item is a sketchbook, drawn by Isabella Cartwright.

Cartwright, Isabella

Ann Messenger fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2912
  • Discrete Item
  • 1973

Fonds consists of a letter written by George Woodcock.

Messenger, Ann

Kingston Penitentiary is On The Air

  • CA ON00239 F2901
  • Discrete Item
  • 2005

Item is a copy of "Kingston Penitentiary is On The Air", which contains two radio shows, first recorded in July and August 1952, featuring "an hour's worth of perfomances by inmate entertainers from Kingston Penitentiary, as originally recorded over the public airwaves" by Radio Station CKWS.

Friends of the Penitentiary Museum

Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2665
  • Fondo
  • 1965-2010

The fonds is comprised of textual and digital records reflecting the artistic practice and community activism of Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge over a 40 year period. The textual and photographic material spans from the 1970's until 2010, and encompasses the artists participation in the Toronto community predominantly, but also the art and activist community of New York City in the 1960's and 70s. The records reflect both the practice of the artists through individual art projects and commissioned work, as well as their participation and activity with various groups, locals, unions, institutions, organizations, committees, or festivals such as Mayworks, The Ontario Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, The Canadian Labour Congress, the Independant Artists Union (IAU). The electronic records predominantly reflect their evolving artistic practice. The artists have digitized many of the components and products of their early works which are in evidence in the textual files. Earlier works, while represented in the electronic record, are merely an alternate format for the finished works and components and are not as detailed a record of the creative process of the artists as the more contemporary files created entirely through a digital process which the artists moved over to in 2000. The fonds is arranged in the following series: Artist groups and organizations; Correspondence; Art Jobs; Art Business; Banners; Sculpture; Art Projects; Studio documentation and Press morgue.

Beveridge, Karl

Joan Finnigan fonds

  • CA ON00239 F445
  • Fondo
  • 1939-2007

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; manuscripts; playscripts; school notebooks; diaries; reviews; articles; typescripts of some of her writings; publications; photographs; clippings; and oral history tapes, with transcripts; one DVD-R of the National Film Board of Canada's production of "The Best Damn Fiddler from Calabogie to Kaladar,". There is considerable material relating to her book, 'Celebrate This City.' The photographs are from books on the Ottawa Valley, Kingston, and the Dalton Sailing Album.

Finnigan, Joan

Ralph Gustafson fonds

  • CA ON00239 F439
  • Fondo
  • 1930-1996

Fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, subject files, news clippings, tape recordings, galley proofs, a relatively complete bibliography of his work, a videocassette copy of "Rare 'Home Movies'" originally shot in the 1940's and 1950s, and photographs. Included are memorabilia and conference papers from Mr. Gustafson's career as a poet, critic, and scholar.

Gustafson, Ralph Barker

Lorne and Edith Pierce collection

  • CA ON00239 F451
  • Colección
  • [ca. 1812]-1961

Collections consists of Memorial Books relating to both Lorne and Edith Pierce; travel diaries; photographs; and a copy of Edith Chown Pierce's, "Canadian Glass: A Footnote to History". Nearly every Canadian literary figure of note for the period 1920 to 1960 is representedby at least some manuscript material in this collection. Among its many highlights the collection includes the letters and manuscripts of William Wilfred Campbell; Desertion in Canada by Major John Richardson; the original manuscript of William Kirby's novel, The Golden dog; manuscripts written and decorated by Wilson Macdonald; letters, manuscripts and memorabilia of Sir Charles G. D. Roberts; and the Marjorie Pickthall papers which include her diaries, letters manuscripts and sketches. Also represented are Raymond Knister, Duncan Campbell Scott, Archibald Lampman, Camille Roy, Stephen Leacock, Marius Barbeau,Audrey Alexandra Brown, Earle Birney, Katherine Hale, A. J. Pratt and Al Purdy. Some papers of artists J.E. H. Macdonald, A. Y. Jackson, C.W. Jefferys and Thoreau Macdonald are included in this collection.

Bliss Carman fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2039
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 1880]-1929

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, research notes, memoranda, scrapbooks, photographs, critical commentaries, and news clippings. Correspondents include Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Noyes, Booth Tarkington, Willa Cather, Theodore and Eleanor Roosevelt, Vincent Massey and Odell Shepard, among others. The microfilm contains correspondence with Washington Irving Way, Mr. Yard, Miss Rittenhouse, J.R. Peck, Frederick Holland Day and W. Poillar.

Carman, Bliss

William Archibald Mackintosh fonds

  • CA ON00239 F832
  • Fondo
  • 1910-1965

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; memoranda; reports; published articles, papers, and addresses; and photographs, including a series of coloured 35 mm slides of various campus buildings, events, and scenes, taken by W.A. Mackintosh during his time as the 12th Principal of Queen's University. There are important files on the Anti-Combines Investigation Act, the 1945 Dominion-Provincial Conference, the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations, the National Employment Commission, the Economic Advisory Committee, 1939-1944, and Queen's University.

Mackintosh, William Archibald

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