Sydenham District Association fonds
- CA ON00239 F1058
- Fonds
- 1966-2000
Fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, financial records, agenda and minutes of the Association.
Sydenham District Association
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Sydenham District Association fonds
Fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, financial records, agenda and minutes of the Association.
Sydenham District Association
Typescript of memoirs dictated to his nurse, relating to persons and events prominent in the history of Canada.
Bellingham, Sydney Robert
The fonds consists of photographs, taken during her days as a student at Queen's University at Kingston, including the Alma Mater Society Election Day parade, the Pajama parade, a football game at the old Richardson Stadium, and several campus buildings.
Sylva (Rowley) MacKay
Photocopies of typescripts of correspondence between Sylvester and William Howard Lawton (his brother). These letters were written by Sylvester from Fort Henry prior to his execution in January, 1839.
Lawton, Sylvester A.
Collection consists of programmes for the Kingston General Hospital's, School of Nursing's "1928 Commencement Excercises", and the 1936 "Golden Jubilee" celebrations.
Birkenshaw, Sylvia
Correspondence relates to the work of a member of American Friend's Service Committee engaged in relief work in Germany and Poland after the First World War. Includes photographs and postcards.
Cowles, Sylvia
The fonds consists of a log book and a journal from the Takiteeze Club, describing activities, visitors and hunting expeditions.
Takiteeze Club
Talbot District Legal documents
Legal documents related to tenancy, including a form of inquisition, notice of inquest, subpoena to witness, and precept. Various names including, Powell, McMicken, Watinson, Salmon, Campbell, Rapelje.
Talbot District
The fonds consists of a typescript titled "The Bastard Rebel," as well as a photograph.
Stone, Talmage Hamlin
Teaching and Research Assistants Certification Campaign collection
This collection consists of the records of the Teaching and Research Assistants Certification Campaign (TRACC) and include correspondence, minutes, certification documents, newsletters, posters, Collective Agreements from other Universities in Ontario, CUPE-related material.
Teaching and Research Assistants Certification Campaign