1951 - Session - Correspondence
- CA ON00239 F2062-S1-SS5-f14
- File
- 1951
Part of J.B. Salsberg fonds
File consists of 1951 - session - correspondence.
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1951 - Session - Correspondence
Part of J.B. Salsberg fonds
File consists of 1951 - session - correspondence.
Part of J.B. Salsberg fonds
File consists of correspondence and notes relating to the 1951 Budget.
1951 Chev at St. Remy's Motors Ltd at Corner of Queen Street and Bagot Street
Part of George E.O. Lilley fonds
Image of 1951 Chev at St. Remy's Motors Ltd at Corner of Queen Street and Bagot Street
[1951 film - 25th anniversary of the Kingston Whig-Standard]
Part of Kingston Whig-Standard fonds
Consists of a 1951 (?) anniversary film about the operations of the Whig Standard and the soundtrack to the film.
[1951 film - 25th anniversary of the Kingston Whig-Standard]
Part of Kingston Whig-Standard fonds
Items are two prints of the 1951 (?) anniversary film about the operations of the Whig Standard.
[1951 film - 25th anniversary of the Kingston Whig-Standard]
Part of Kingston Whig-Standard fonds
Item is one sound reel - soundtrack to 1951 anniversary film.
Part of James MacKerras Macdonnell fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
1951 Session - Materials - Clippings
Part of J.B. Salsberg fonds
File consists of 1951 session - materials - clippings relating to the Ontario Legislature.
Part of Robert Nixon fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
195-197 Earl Street and 199 Earl Street
Part of George E.O. Lilley fonds
Image of 195-197 Earl Street and 199 Earl Street