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Frederick L. Moore fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1669
  • Arquivo
  • [184-?]-[1891?]

The fonds consists of correspondence, accounts, genealogy, and county reports. There is also an Elizabethtown account book.

Moore, Frederick L.

Bernice Weldon Sargent fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1631
  • Arquivo
  • 1925-1972

The fonds consists of correspondence, reports, lecture notes, student papers, personal papers and research studies. A large part of the material details the work on various committees such as the Committee on Scientific Research, correspondence with such bodies as the National Research Council and conferences like the International Conference on Nuclear Structure (1960). There are a number of interesting files describing the aborted attempt to build a high energy physics laboratory near Kingston.

Sargent, Bernice Weldon

Clifford Austin Curtis fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1144
  • Arquivo
  • 1812-1979

Fonds consists of correspondence, articles, memoranda, reports relating to his career at Queen's, the Royal Commission on Price Spreads, the Canadian National Railway, housing, economics, planning and municipal politics.

Curtis, Clifford Austin

Ernest Cockburn Kyte fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1252
  • Arquivo
  • 1906-1976

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, personal memoranda and assorted printed material. The manuscripts include lectures, articles, short stories, poetry and radio broadcasts. Topics include literature, Canadian history and, the library profession. The personal material includes biographical material.

Kyte, Ernest Cockburn

Donald Murray Mathers fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1515
  • Arquivo
  • 1942-1974

Fonds consists of correspondence, articles, sermons, lecture notes, committee minutes illustrating his work as theologian and teacher. The papers illustrate his active involvement in international church work and the General Commission on Union between the Anglican and United Church of Canada; copy of "'Not by Sight: Some Sermons & Occasional Talks of Donald Mathers", published posthumously by his widow, Helen Mathers. It also includes the handwritten draft of Mathers' book "The Word and the Way".

Mathers, Donald Murray

Jack Chiang and Cathy Lincoln-Chiang fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2034
  • Arquivo
  • 1975-2004

Fonds consists of photographs taken by Jack Chiang for the Kingston Whig-Standard and other projects. These photographs cover news events of regional, national and international significance. The fonds includes photos of many prominent individuals, most Ontario political conventions in the 1980s, and many Kingston-area landmarks. Also included are slides taken for Mr. Chiang's book, 'Images of Kingston,' aerial photographs taken for the Kingston Whig-Standard feature "Where We Live,"and wedding photos taken at his commercial studio, Pro Photo, as well as personal papers and family photos.

Lincoln-Chiang, Cathy

Dorothy Dumbrille fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1213
  • Arquivo
  • [ca. 1939]-1973

The fonds consists of correspondence, news clippings and typescripts her prose and poetry, both published and unpublished.

Dumbrille, Dorothy

H. Carl Goldenberg fonds

  • CA ON00239 F610
  • Arquivo
  • 1912-1993

The fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, scrapbooks, photographs, speeches, addresses, lecture and research notes, honorary degrees, certificates and awards; and material covering all aspects of Senator Goldenberg's career. The largest category is Senator Goldenberg's work for the Canadian Labour Congress as conciliator, mediator and, most frequently, arbitrator. There is also a large amount of material on some of the commissions, conferences and advisory posts on which Senator Goldenberg has served. Of particular interest are the records of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Toronto, 1964, the inquiry under the Combines Investigation Act into the Electrical Wire andCcable Industry in Quebec during 1952-1953, and some unusual material on problems in the Jamaican and Trinidadian Sugar Industries. The correspondence files contain extensive correspondence with many of Canada's leading political leaders including Mackenzie King, Lester B. Pearson, Pierre Trudeau, and C.D. Howe. There are also many letters from Stephen Leacock.

Goldenberg, H. Carl

Kingston Whig-Standard fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1363
  • Arquivo
  • 1938-2001

The fonds consists of photographs by staff and freelance photographers, correspondence, employee paybooks (1926-1933), news clippings and subject files (ca. 1955-1975) and an interview, conducted by staff reporter Murray Hogben, with James Alexander Corry, former Principal of Queen's University at Kingston (1980). Also includes souvenir edition of the Whig in honour of Queen's University's second century (October 16, 1964).

Kingston Whig-Standard

Vero C. Wynne-Edwards fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1902
  • Arquivo
  • 1918-1995

The fonds consists of correspondence, writings, manuscripts, diaries, notebooks, sketchbooks, photographs, charts, drawings, and maps. It is a record of Wynne-Edwards' professional life as an biologist and academic from his school days in Leeds to his death in Aberdeen. The greatest amount of this material reflects Wynne-Edwards professional life, however, there is some personal material in this fonds. The correspondence covers a wide variety of topics including views on Wynne-Edwards thesis about animal dispersion. The subject files include material on the Nature Conservancy, the Red Grouse Project, research topics and the like. There is also a large collection of 35mm slides that cover the Wynne-Edwards post Second World War journeys, in particular his two trips to Baffin Island in the 1950's.

Wynne-Edwards, Vero C.

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