- CA ON00239 F2569
- Discrete Item
- 1955
The fonds consists of a song book created by the Youth for Salsberg for J.B. Salsberg's 1955 provincial election campaign
Gray, Jerry
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The fonds consists of a song book created by the Youth for Salsberg for J.B. Salsberg's 1955 provincial election campaign
Gray, Jerry
[Specifications for Hallowell Lodge and School House, Prince Edward County]
Items are specifications and agreements for building Hallowell Lodge.
Speech by William Milton Mather
Speech delivered in Tweed at a banquet held to celebrate his fifty years as a doctor. Includes reminiscences of his time at Queen's University and mentions his professors : James Fowler, Alfred S. Oliver, Kenneth N. Fenwick, Michael Sullivan, Nathan F. Dupuis, Michael Lavell, R.W. Garrett, Chamberlain A. Irwin and William H. Henderson.
Mather, William Milton
Speech at Montreal Medal Presentation, May, 1984.
Ryan, Kathleen
Speech of Robertson Davies, Queen's Convocation
Convocation address at Queen's University. Two versions.
Davies, Robertson
Speech of Walter George Pitman.
Notes for a Nomination speech at leadership convention of the Ontario New Democratic Party, 1970 Oct.
Pitman, Walter George
[Speeches by J. W. Pickersgill]
Items are three speeches by J.W. Pickersgill, as well as clippings relating to Pickersgill.
Pickersgill, John Whitney
Address at New Democratic Party of Ontario convention and his acceptance speech, October, 1970. Some parts are annotated and handwritten.
Lewis, Stephen
Postcard album of picturesque European and wartime scenes predominantly written by Private J. H. Spring to his mother and father , Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Spring who lived at 60 Chatham Street in Kingston, Ontario, or to a Miss B. Hall of Kingston, Ontario. There are some postcards which are addressed to Hugh Spring from other overseas service members.
Spring, Hugh