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Kingston Brewery fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1248
  • Fonds
  • 1835-1867

Account book consisting of a variety of transactions by an unknown proprietor of an unnamed brewery. Translations entered by name of buyer. As of 1867, there are daily transactions of owners including lists of school moneys and of tenants.

Kingston Brewery

P. Kaellgren collection

  • CA ON00239 F1256
  • Collection
  • 1797-1895

The collection consists of correspondence, insurance policies, land grant and printed circulars related to Brockville. Includes Register of baptisms, 1899-1921, and minutes of the Women's Missionary Society, 1917, 1919-1924 of the First Presbyterian Church.

Kaellgren, P.

Robert Smith Jenkins fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1264
  • Fonds
  • 1915

The fonds consists of correspondence regarding royalties; a response letter from the Globe regarding a publication; a letter from Rev. Kennedy Hunter Palmer of the St. Paul's Presbyterian Church; and a poem on Dr. Sneath, Superintendent of Education in Ontario. Of particular note is a letter regarding the Lecture tour of Mr. Walter McRaye. Walter McRaye was a lecturer and entertainer born in Merrickville, Ontario in 1876. He was the great grandson of Major Thomas Smyth, founder of Smiths Falls. He acquired through his lecture and informal talks the title "The Apostle of Canadianism." McRaye toured in Britain, Canada and the United States from 1901 to 1909.

Jenkins, Robert Smith

Ralph Lent Jeffrey fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1265
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1929]-1970

Includes articles, a history of the Department of Mathematics with reference to the Faculty of Applied Science, a list of Professor Jeffrey's publications and an obituary.

Ralph Lent Jeffery

Independent Order of Odd Fellows fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1274
  • Fonds
  • 1883-1897

Receipts, certificates and programmes relating to R.W. Dyer and his involvement with the lodge.

Elgin Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows, No.32

Jill Moore collection

  • CA ON00239 F1279
  • Collection
  • 1815-1919

Collection of documents relating to Adolphustown and Napanee area. Family names include Roblin, Steel, Lucas, Miller and Foley. There is also a list of subscribers of a telephone company founded at Adolphustown in 1888. Several invoices from Albert College are also in the collection.

Moore, Jill

Joseph Hoffman fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1287
  • Fonds
  • 12 May 1806

Deed relates to 200 acres in Ernestown Township, County of Lennox and Addington.

Hoffman, Joseph

Horatio Clarence Hocken fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1289
  • Fonds
  • 1932-1934

Correspondence relating to his appointment and news clippings.

Horatio Clarence Hocken

Robert Frederick Nishman fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1300
  • Fonds
  • 1988-1989

Consists of two student essays written for courses in the Department of History at Queen's University on the Richilieu and Ontario Navigation Company and the Midland District School Society in Kingston.

Robert Frederick Nishman

Kingston Jail fonds

  • CA ON00239 F1303
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1917

The fonds consists of two journals of the Kingston Jail (1905 and 1917).

Kingston Jail

Résultats 2771 à 2780 sur 3056