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Anthony William Riley fonds

  • CA ON00239 F211
  • Fonds
  • 1903-2003

The fonds consists of manuscript and research material relating to Dr. Riley's primary research interests of Alfred Döblin, Elisabeth Langgässer, Frederick Philip Grove and Thomas Mann, as well as correspondence sent and received by Riley. This fonds contains the following series: Correspondence (1904-2002), Lecture Notes (1938-1997), Research Notes (1919-1996), Writings (1903-2002), Personal & University Business (1945-2003), and Sound Recordings ([ca. 1980]-2002).

Riley, Anthony William

Antony Alpers fonds

  • CA ON00239 F533
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1888]-1980

The fonds consists of correspondence, research notes, drafts, and files of source materials relating to Legends of the South Sea. The fonds also contains binders of biographical and subject material, correspondence, indexes, drafts, newsclippings and photographs relating to The Life of Katherine Mansfield. Also included are two sound recordings: an interview with Alpers about the Mansfield material; and an interview conducted by Alpers, recorded July 17, 1970, with Richard Murray discussing the early years of his life and his recollection of persons and events involving Katherine Mansfield as well as recollections of Katherine herself. As part of the Mansfield Archive, are three microfilm reels of material, one of which holds the Mansfield letters held at the British Museum.

Alpers, Antony

Walter Spencer Avis fonds

  • CA ON00239 F551
  • Fonds
  • 1910-1989

The fonds consists of correspondence with academic colleagues and publishing companies, files of writings (rough, draft and published), field notes, notebooks and legal records relating to the Canada Thermos trademark case.

Avis, Walter Spencer

André Biéler fonds

  • CA ON00239 F573
  • Fonds
  • 1883-2012

The fonds consists of family correspondence, subject files relating to the Kingston Conference of Artists, 1941, the Federation of Canadian Artists, 1941-1951, a family history by Dr. Biéler's father and mother, diaries covering the period 1860-1980, newspaper clippings, exhibition notices, a sketch book by his mother Blanche Biéler (ca. 1884-1886) and a copy of 'Nos Origines' written by André Biéler's parents; interviews, captured on video featuring André Biéler speaking with Peter Harcourt and Tom Evans.

Biéler, André

Canadian Federation of University Women. Kingston Branch fonds

  • CA ON00239 F624
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1944]-2010

Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; project and sponsored project files; secretary's and treasurer's reports; briefs; annual reports; membership lists; scrapbooks; and printed material.

Canadian Federation of University Women. Kingston Branch

Frontenac Heritage Foundation fonds

  • CA ON00239 F722
  • Fonds
  • 1972-2023

Fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, financial records (1972-86) minutes (1972-2009), reports, Annual General Meeting booklets, annual "Heritage Award booklets, talks, notices, publications, photographs, printed material, newsletters (1973-2012), copies of the Kingston Cablenet production, "Kingston: Appreciate This City. Episode II: Kingston the capital"; as well as correspondence, minutes, publications, photographs, and correspondence from the Ontario Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning to which the Foundation presented a brief. The fonds also includes mounted photographs from the 'Decline and Fall' Exhibition.

Frontenac Heritage Foundation

Kenneth Grant Crawford fonds

  • CA ON00239 F683
  • Fonds
  • 1924-1968

The fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda, subject files, and clippings relating to his work on annexation issues in Brantford, London, and Kingston, Ontario; manuscipts; speeches; scrapbooks; and publications.

Crawford, Kenneth Grant

Letters of Richard H. Babbage

  • CA ON00239 F18
  • Discrete Item
  • 1936

Addressed to Babbage from several federal ministers and journalists. Correspondents are Hector Charlesworth, Charles A. Dunning, C.D. Howe, Ernest Lapointe, John R. MacNicol and Fernand Rinfret.

Babbage, Richard H.

Journal of C.R. Barker

  • CA ON00239 F24
  • Discrete Item
  • 1841-1890

Ephemera book of home-medical remedies for horses and people. Religious writings.

Barker, C.R.

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