- CA ON00239 F551-S2-f54
- File
- 1966-1968
Part of Walter Spencer Avis fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
755 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of Walter Spencer Avis fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Writing Short Fiction Sudbury Wordstock Master Class
Part of Diane Schoemperlen fonds
File contains workshop outline and supplementary materials.
Writing- School's Council and London University of Education
Part of Priscilla Galloway fonds
File contains articles and class material.
Part of Priscilla Galloway fonds
File contains poetry instructions for elementary students.
Writing Place [Teaching Notes?]
Part of Wayne Grady fonds
File contains teaching notes.
Writing Outside the Box: Experiments in Form Zoom Webinar [KWF]
Part of Diane Schoemperlen fonds
File contains webinar outline and correspondence.
Writing Outside the Box: Experiments in Form [KWF]
Part of Diane Schoemperlen fonds
File contains workshop outline and 15 envelopes of supplementary materials.
Part of John Buchan fonds
Item is an article published in "The Academy" (periodical), Oxford, on R.L. Stevenson.
Part of Helen Humphreys fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Hugh Garner fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date