Young Men's Christian Association fonds
- CA ON00239 F1537
- Fonds
- 1890-1920
Three minute books, 1890-1920, handbooks, 1908, 1910.
Queen's University. Young Men's Christian Association
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Young Men's Christian Association fonds
Three minute books, 1890-1920, handbooks, 1908, 1910.
Queen's University. Young Men's Christian Association
Queen's University Miscellaneous Collection
Colection consists of material related to a wide gamut of Queen's activities and events including texts of addresses, notes related to coat of arms, crest, anniversaries, convocations, songs, student notes, class reunions, visitors, World War One and World War Two.
The fonds consists of a narrative and correspondence written by Dr. Wafer as a surgeon for the Union Army during the American Civil War. The collection also contains two photographs of Francis Wafer, one by famous photographer M. Brady, and one coloured with Wafer in army uniform. There are also several medical/student cards.
Wafer, Francis Moses
Manuscript letters and lease book typed transcripts, photostats from National Archives and printed materials concerning the creation and disposition of Clergy Reserves of land in Upper Canada 1791-1856.
Clergy Reserves
City of Kingston. Planning Department fonds
The fonds consists of official plan amendments #2-101 (1953-1979), and new series #1-18 (1979-1982), as well as photographs taken by City of Kingston Planning Department staff in the course of their work.
City of Kingston. Planning Department
Collection consists of Queen's University student notes in physics and philosophy by Minnie W. Murray, 1891-1892, Queen's printed calendars, programmes and memorabilia, 1919-1948 and graduating class pictures, n.d. and 1922.
Chown, W.S.E.
Correspondence, reports and press clippings relating to the National Council of Women, International Council of Women and Local (Kingston) Council of Women.
Delahaye, Marjorie
The fonds consists of a few pieces of correspondence pertaining to Dr. Funnell's death as well as her certification by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; plus a crayon portrait of her as a young woman. There are also certificates and diplomas from her time at Queen's University, notebooks containing medicinal recipes, autographs and bible studies, and photographs of Ada and her sister Rose. Also included are two syringe cases, with syringes, a silver prescription scale by Dr. C.H. Fitch and a portable electro-medical apparatus, patented by A. Gaiffe, philosophical instrument maker.
Funnell, Ada
Includes music for 'The Imaginary Invalid', composed by Graham George and a copy of Morris Bishop's translation of 'The Would-Be Invalid' (1950).
Graham George
This fonds consists of correspondence relating to literary matters and the Foster Horse Show.
Glassco, John