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F.P. Boyce fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2457
  • Fonds
  • [1918]-1973

The fonds consists of photographs of F.P. Boyce, his brother, Herbert Frank Boyce, a photograph possibly of the interior of the Kingston Branch of the CIBC (1918), ration books from the 1940s and invitations to events surrounding the royal visit in 1973. Also includes files relating to the switching depot for the Canadian National Railways and a natural gas contract.

Boyce, Frank P.

Kish Family collection

  • CA ON00239 F2461
  • Collection
  • 1816-1957

Collection consists of correspondence; assessment receipts; diaries written by Tressa Kish, reflecting life in Cataraqui Village, Ontario (1918-1957); photograph of the original family home.

Kish (family)

Harold W. Harkness fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2471
  • Fonds
  • 1932-1953

Fonds consists of addresses, dealing with a variety of themes, delivered by Harold Harkness to various groups.

Harkness, Harold W.

David McCallum collection

  • CA ON00239 F2478
  • Collection
  • 1908-[ca. 1955]

The collection consists of aerial photographs of Kingston, possibly taken by the Canadian military, and two photographs of Market Square, ca. 1955. Also includes one postcard, titled "The Bywash, Kingston Mills Near Kingston, Ont." sent 11 Apr. 1908.

McCallum, David

Terry Fuchs fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2479
  • Fonds
  • 2001-2009

Fonds consists of articles, newspaper and magazine submissions, and published essays relating to his thoughts and observations of cottage life and the outdoors.

Fuchs, Terry David

Wolfe Island collection

  • CA ON00239 F2485
  • Collection
  • 1965-1973

Collection of published material relating to Wolfe Island. Includes a copy of "Wolfe Island Past & Present" by Winston M. Cosgrove (1973), two copies of "Out of the Past - Wolfe Island Sketches" by K. Jean Richardson (ed 1965 & ed 1967), one photocopy of History of Wolfe Island Mrs. James Hawkins Ed (1967) and one phtocopy of "Kingston And District: Selected Publications", Historic Kingston, No. 15, pp. 67-90 (January 1967).


Larry Rossignol poster collection

  • CA ON00239 F2404
  • Collection
  • [197-?]-[198-?]

The collection consists of approximately 128 posters that were created by Larry Rossignol during his time at Queen's University. A large majority of the posters were produced through his company Teddy Tin Can Graphics. The subject matter of the posters pertains to Queen's University events, such as concerts, theatrical productions, academic issues and public lectures.

Rossignol, Larry

Galdys Munnings fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2421
  • Fonds
  • 1930

Fonds consists of a programme for the Women's Intercollegiate Basketball League Dinner, held at the London Hunt Club, 22 February 1930.

Munnings, Gladys

Queen's University. Department of Psychiatry fonds

  • CA ON00239 F2400
  • Fonds
  • 2008

Fonds consists of a copy of "An Informal History of the Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University Faculty of Medicine," authored by Drs. William E. Powles, Paul C.S. Hosken, and Donald H. Braden.

Department of Psychiatry

Résultats 161 à 170 sur 3055