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Etta Newlands fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3125
  • Fondo
  • 1905-1918

The fonds consists of correspondence and miscellaneous cards. The letters are all personal, family letters the bulk of which are from friends and family members serving overseas in the Canadian forces, and in Queen's University Contingents, 1914-1918. Of particular interest are letters sent to Etta Newlands from "Harvey" and Sarah, young nursing sisters serving in Europe during the war at the No. 7 Canadian General Hospital in France, Salonica and Basingstoke. Part of the correspondence has to do with church and professional activities.

Newlands, Etta

Northwest Company fonds

  • CA ON00239 F905
  • Fondo
  • 1802-1807

Letter, 1807 Dec. 25, and Canot, No. 21, 1802.

Northwest Company

Ontario Gymnastic Federation fonds

  • CA ON00239 F913
  • Fondo
  • 1972-1978

The fonds consists of correspondence, publications, results, minutes and financial records.

Ontario Gymnastic Federation

James Alexander Corry fonds

  • CA ON00239 F676
  • Fondo
  • 1921-1980

The fonds consists of correspondence, draft of memoirs, speeches and articles on Canadian education, 1961-1968, and files relating to the Canada Council, the amendment of the British North America Act and the Institue for Research in Public Policy.

Corry, James Alexander

George Gordon Coulton fonds

  • CA ON00239 F677
  • Fondo
  • 1858

The fonds consists of notebooks related to the National Service League and historical precedents for it.

Coulton, George Gordon

Craine family fonds

  • CA ON00239 F681
  • Fondo
  • 1857-1908

The fonds consists of correspondence and other papers of three generations of the Craine family from Smiths Falls, Ont. including John Joseph Craine, painter, and Agnes Douglas Craine, M.D.

Craine (family)

Cronk Family fonds

  • CA ON00239 F687
  • Fondo
  • 1905-1911

Family letters of Mrs. Menoah Cronk, Parham. Includes letters from her son, G.S. Cronk (at Queen's University), W.A. Cronk, miner, in northern Ont. (Sudbury district), Sampson and Lawson Cronk. Also includes souvenir postcards and bills of sale.

Cronk (family)

Robert William Cumberland fonds

  • CA ON00239 F688
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 1920]-1980

The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, writings, student essays, news clippings and scrapbooks.

Cumberland, Robert William

James A. Eadie collection

  • CA ON00239 F690
  • Colección
  • 1963-1978

This collection consists of James A. Eadie's entry in the 'Dictionary of Canadian Biography' on John Stevenson; articles relating to the Rathbun Company, Deseronto, Ontario; essays on Deseronto and the Rathbun Company, written by T.David Martin; slides of Rathbun family portraits, company building and employees with explanatory notes; essay by W.C. Blabe on Deseronto.

Eadie, James A.

John Eckford fonds

  • CA ON00239 F694
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 1821]-1851

Book of extracts from various sources including student notes from the University of Edinburgh 1821-25 session. Notes on home remedies, transcribed poems and manuscript sermons. Essay on taste, notes on the history of the Greeks.

Eckford, John

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