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[Yarmouth Nova Scotia]

Several views of yarmouth formatted in a collage, showcasing general views, hotels, boat in the water and views of the town. Incription on the postcard reads: Dear [] I am well and [] is seven eard old I hope you are well we all send our love to you with love from []

E.J. Vickery

[Yarmouth Light]

Photograph looking out on the water with lighthouse to the left side on a small rocky cliff. Incription on the postcard reads: Greetings from Yarmouth

Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd.

[Yarmouth Light]

Photograph of Yarmouth lighthouse on rocky area that stretches over the water. Incription on the postcard reads: Dear Grace Mama and I left Boston Tuesday at 2. Relock on the North Star and arrived in Yarmouth NS about 6 yesterdat. At 4 oclock we took the stage for port maittand - a 12 mile drive - we had a fine trip down on the boat moonlight and not rough. There is a nice beach here. Has rained all day to day so only took a [] to the water which is near.

Yarmouth Portrait Co.

Yarker by Rena Upitis

  • CA ON00239 F1764
  • Discrete Item
  • 1992

Manuscript and photographs for her booklet, Yarker along with a copy of the booklet.

Upitis, Rena

Results 1261 to 1270 of 384034