1. St. Paul's Anglican Church - 2 lino blocks
- CA ON00239 F2708-S23-f109
- File
- n.d.
Part of Nan Yeomans fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
755 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
1. St. Paul's Anglican Church - 2 lino blocks
Part of Nan Yeomans fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Collage of 5 photos. Sepia tone wash on postcard
1. Steamer "Thousand Islander"; 2. Steamer "St. Lawrence"; 3. View from head of Grenadier Island.
Collage of 3 photos. Sepia tone wash on postcard
Part of Joseph Arlie Robb fonds
Side One: "Sunday Morning" Program. "The Entertainers" - Danny Kaye. Side Two: "Entertainers" continued. / Edleen (sic) & JAR with photo album reminiscing.
[1] Susan Scott. 2) Terry Pfilger. , 1) Dec. 15-Jan. 20 '85. 2) Feb. 2-March 12/85.
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
1) Swabhati Figures. 2) The Art of Smoking Museum Display. , 1970-1972
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Collage of numbered photos - Locations listed on back of postcard. Brown wash on post card
1. The Pines. Mairead's story 7
Part of Merilyn Simonds fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Collage of 3 photos. Sepia tone wash over postcard
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date