- CA ON00239 F1663-S9-f2
- File
- 1939-1945
Part of Grant Kenneth Macdonald fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
755 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of Grant Kenneth Macdonald fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Grant Kenneth Macdonald fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
Part of Peter Milliken fonds
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
1 Commemorative medal and ribbon for Sir John A. Macdonald funeral
Scope to be completed at a later date
1) Convocation Seating; 2) Sidewalk front of new music building
Part of Allan Ronald Hazelgrove fonds
File contains images of convocation seating and construction of a sidewalk outside of the new music building.
1) Creet. 2) Brymner. 3) Permanent Collection.,
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
1) Curator. 2) B. Fairly. , 1980
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
1) D. Elliot. 2) Erte, Aug 1979.
Part of Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Scope to be completed at a later date
1. Dame Edith Sitwell Poems, 2. Sir Noel Coward: Verses by Ogden Nash
Cassette consists of recordings of poetry.