- CA ON00239 F1667
- Fonds
- 1981-1985
Papers related to Foreign Investment Review Agency, during the period Mr. Howarth was Director, including speeches, articles and clippings.
Howarth, Gorse
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Papers related to Foreign Investment Review Agency, during the period Mr. Howarth was Director, including speeches, articles and clippings.
Howarth, Gorse
The fonds consists of correspondence, prose, biographical articles, critical commentaries and newspaper clippings relating to Mrs. Campbell's work as an author.
Campbell, Grace MacLennan Grant
Fonds consists of a bound volume entitled "Bliss Carman Letters and Memories", put together by Grace Fewster, and consisting of typescripts of original letters from Bliss Carman to Dr. Ernest and Grace Fewster between 1920 - 1929. Included is a typescript letter from Lorne Pierce to the Fewsters recounting his visit to New Canaan, New Brunswick, to attend Bliss Carman's funeral.
Fewster, Grace
Graduate Student Society (GSS) fonds
This fonds consists of Minutes, Agenda, By-laws and Constitution of the Graduate Student Society.
Queen's University. Graduate Student Society
This diploma is in a metal cylinder with pendant seal in excellent conditin.
William McKay
Includes music for 'The Imaginary Invalid', composed by Graham George and a copy of Morris Bishop's translation of 'The Would-Be Invalid' (1950).
Graham George
Grand Opera House Company of Kingston Limited fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence, legal documents, accounts, bound volumes and miscellaneous papers relating to the theatre from its organization in 1899 to its liquidation in 1919. Of particular interest is the document of incorporation in 1899 signed by Oliver Mowat.
Grand Opera House Company of Kingston Limited
The fonds consists of correspondence, minutes of executive and general meetings, executive and membership lists, financial records and press clippings relating to the Grand Theatre. Includes material relating to the Eastern Ontario Drama Festival, 1969.
Grand Theatre Guild
Station agent, receipts for goods shipped to Mr. and Mrs. Christie, Montreal. Bond for shares in the Grand Trunk Railway, purchased by William L. Brown, Esq.
Grand Trunk Railway