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Oberon Press
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Bonnie, Fred

Scope to be completed at a later date

Johnston, George

  • CA ON00239 F433-S1-SS1-f26
  • Ficheiro
  • 15 Dec. 1980-30 Nov. 1982
  • Parte de Oberon Press fonds

2 Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 3 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), 1 Typed letter(s) signed by the author

Keeling, Nora

  • CA ON00239 F433-S1-SS1-f27
  • Ficheiro
  • 2 Mar. 1981-30 Nov. 1982
  • Parte de Oberon Press fonds

15 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), 13 Typed letter(s) signed by the author, 2 Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 1 typescript, 1 bw photo, 1 negative.

Kreiner, Philip

1 typed note, 6 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copies), 3 Typed letter(s) signed by the author, 1 Autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 2 printed matter, 1 journal tearsheet (photocopy), 1 typescript (photocopy).

Lobdell, David

1 Typed letter(s) lacking signatureS, 1 Typed letter(s) lacking signature (carbon copy), 13 newspaper clippings, 17 journal tearsheets, 2 journal tearsheets (photocopy).

Lobdell, David

  • CA ON00239 F433-S1-SS1-f31
  • Ficheiro
  • 1 Jan. 1980-30 Nov. 1982
  • Parte de Oberon Press fonds

Scope to be completed at a later date

Resultados 1 a 10 de 436