Queen's University. Board of Trustees fonds
- CA ON00239 F1443
- Fonds
- [1840]
Minutes of meetings, 1840- .
Queen's University. Board of Trustees
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Queen's University. Board of Trustees fonds
Minutes of meetings, 1840- .
Queen's University. Board of Trustees
Queen's University. Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing University Education fonds
The fonds consists of a DVD-R, entitled "A Dream Pursued: The Ban Righ Centre", celebrating forty years of assisting women at Queen's University.
Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing University Education
Queen's University. Bader International Study Centre fonds
Fonds consists of Capital Project files; correspondence; architectural drawings, and other documents relating to the refurbishment of Herstmonceux Castle's West Building.
Queen's University. Bader International Study Centre
Queen's University Alumni Association - Ottawa Branch fonds
Fonds consists of correspondence, reports, minutes, speeches, membership lists, photograph, and clippings from the files of the Branch President.
Queen's University Alumni Association - Ottawa Branch
Queen's University. Alumnae Association fonds
This fonds consists of correspondence; minutes; membership lists; constitutions; reports; and photographs. Included is material relating to the 50th Anniversary of the Ban Righ Foundation; Branch records including minutes of the Toronto Alumnae Association (1926-1965), and the Vancouver Alumnae Association (1927-1968); a copy of the Ananlecta (1942); and scrapbooks containing photographs of the executives of the Y.W.C.A. (1889-1922), and its successor the Student Christian Association (1923-1926), and Levana (1889/90-1941/42).
Queen's University. Alumnae Association
Queen's University. Agnes Etherington Art Centre fonds
Fonds consists of administrative records (1957-1983); Art Circuit files (1957-1963); Gallery Association files (1967-1972); exhibition files (1957-2011); slides of installations (1971-1991); exhibition photographs (1986-1990); photographs of various events held at the AEAC; photographs of the major renovation and extention of the Art Centre (1998-1999); exhibition catalogues (1970-2007).
Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Queen's University. Academic Colleague to the Principal fonds
Files on meetings of committee of presidents of universities of Ontario, 1969-1971, and support material of related publications, 1969-1971.
Queen's University. Academic Colleague to the Principal
Queen's University. 6th Field Company Canadian Engineers.
Fonds consists of the Doomsday book of the 6th Field Company Canadian Engineers. The book relates information regarding the unit based on their semi-regular) annual reunions. The minutes of those reunion meetings, menus, clippings, signatures of attendees as well as a small number of photographs of members during the war, as well after, are all bound into the book. While the book was purchased and its assemblage began in 1929, there are some documents that predate that year that are included.
Queen's University. 6th Field Company Canadian Engineers
Queen's University. 253rd Battalion Queen's University Highlanders collection
The Collection consists of a microfilm copy of the 'Register of Recruits of the 253rd Battalion Queen's University Highlanders Canadian Expeditionary Force' (1916-1917), with an introduction by Craig Mantle; an 'Addendum to the 'Register of Recruits', introduced and compiled by Craig Mantle; and a copy of the 'Nominal Roll of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men'.
Queen's University. 253rd Battalion Queen's University Highlanders
Queen's University. 175th Anniversary Committee fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence, working documents, drafts, minutes and other material relating to the planning and implementation of projects and events surrounding Queen's 175th Anniversary.
Queen's University. 175th Anniversary Committee