- CA ON00239 F2272
- Fonds
- [17--]-2004
The fonds consists of research material relating to the topic of body snatching in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Dee, David
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The fonds consists of research material relating to the topic of body snatching in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Dee, David
David F. Ogden Autograph Album
Autographs collected while he was a student at the Friends Boarding School, Picton. Also contains a transcript of names included in the album.
Ogden, David F.
The fonds consists of approximately 200 colour slides (35mm) and 60 postcards with various scenes of Kingston, including Fort Henry, City Hall, City Park Queen's University, 1976 Olympic sailing, Windsurfing Championships of 1982, tall ships in Kingston harbour, historic hockey games and various Kingston events. Also includes a scrapbook relating to the Kingston Ski Club, as well as a history of that organization. There is one home movie (8mm) of local winter activities.
The fonds consists of an original diary created by Ballingall during his time in Kingston that includes sketches by C.D. Shanly and Lady Alexander and vignettes about the pirate, Bill Johnston, and indigenous peoples at Cataraqui River. Also included is a microfilm copy of the diary.
Ballingall, David James
Accounts and disbursements, as registered in the Surrogate Court of Wellington County, of the estate of David Kennedy. The document registers monies spent and received over a three year period in the winding up of the estate.
Kennedy, David
David L. and Dorothy Rigsby fonds
Fonds consists of an unpblished work by David Rigsby entitled, "Coal"; a Certificate of Appreciation to David Rigsby, from the Queen's Alumni Association folliwng the completion of his Presidency in 1971; photographs of the Science '38 Formal, held at Grant Hall, and the 1987 Distinguished Service Award recipients, including Dorothy (Manderson) Rigsby.
Rigsby, Dorothy (Manderson)
The fonds consists of correspondence relating to his work as translator of Canadian literature. Includes correspondence with many Canadian publishers such as Oberon Press and McClelland and Stewart. Letters from Gabrielle Roy, Tennesse Williams and Ralph Gustafson are also included in the collection. Unpublished manuscripts and all books translated by David Lobdell.
Lobdell, David
The collection consists of aerial photographs of Kingston, possibly taken by the Canadian military, and two photographs of Market Square, ca. 1955. Also includes one postcard, titled "The Bywash, Kingston Mills Near Kingston, Ont." sent 11 Apr. 1908.
McCallum, David
The collection is comprised of raw footage, as well as several final productions of films in which Pulver was involved in some capacity. The majority of the material pertains to a documentary about cruise missiles and disarmament but other topics include the Dandelion community (an intentional community/commune) located near Kingston, Ontario, aquafitness, and Kingston Artists' workshops.
Pulver, David
Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; writings; course and grant material; and records relating to conferences, workshops, and seminars Dr. Rutenberg attended.
Rutenberg, David