Canadian Council of Agriculture fonds
- CA ON00239 F622
- Fonds
- 1911-1932
The fonds consists of minutes of the council, 1911-1931, Women's Section, 1919-1929, and Executive Commitee, 1924-1932.
Canadian Council of Agriculture
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Canadian Council of Agriculture fonds
The fonds consists of minutes of the council, 1911-1931, Women's Section, 1919-1929, and Executive Commitee, 1924-1932.
Canadian Council of Agriculture
Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion fonds
Fonds consists of minutes, annual reports, financial statements, annual returns, correspondence, and by-laws.
Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion
Holograph score of the song loosely bound in a copy of the Montreal Herald, 8 July, 1852.
Canadian Association of University Schools of Nursing fonds
Fonds consists of correspondence, memoranda and minutes of meetings and conferences.
Canadian Association of University Schools of Nursing
Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists-Association Canadienne des Radio-Oncologues fonds
Fonds consists of Minutes of the Steering, Annual General, Director's, and Scientific Programme Committee Meetings; subject files, including various histories of the Association; elections and Membership Directories; financial records; Directors' Curriculum Vitae; newsletters; and photographs.
Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists-Association Canadienne des Radio-Oncologues
Canadian Archives Congress collection
The collection consists of recordings of the proceedings of the Canadian Archives Congress, held in Kingston, Ontario in 1982.
Canadian Abortion Rights Action League - Kingston fonds
Fonds consists of records of the local branch of CARAL including correspondence, newsletters, financial information, and scrapbooks relating to activity undertaken and sponsored by the organization.
Canadian Abortion Rights Action League. Kingston Chapter.
Canada's Visual History collection
Collection consists of eighty volumes, each composed of a guidebook and thirty slides. Together the sets depict many aspects of the political, economic, and cultural history of Canada. Produced by the National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada and the National Film Board.
National Museums of Canada
Canada West. Provincial Secretary's Office fonds
The fonds consists of letters, petitions, reports, returns and other documents recieved in the office of the Provincial Secretary and Registrar for Canada West. Letterbooks contain outgoing correspondence from the Provincial Secretary's Office.
Canada West. Provincial Secretary's Office
Canada West. Letters-Patent instituting a Surrogate Court in the Midland District
Letters patent establishing the Surrogate Court of the Midland District.