- CA ON00239 F1816
- Fonds
- 11 Nov. 1854
Letter to Mr. Collins, 11 November 1854 relating to legislative business.
Robert Spence
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Letter to Mr. Collins, 11 November 1854 relating to legislative business.
Robert Spence
Collection consists of articles
Sutherland, Robert
Fonds consists of notes, speeches, photographs, as well as minutes and records of various organizations or institutions that Swain was a member of, or worked for. There are also day planners, correspondence and clippings pertaining to art related topics.
Swain, Robert F.
Letter dated January 21, 1830 from Robert and Katharine Taylor to John Sigsworth from England describing family life and agricultural conditions.
Taylor, Robert
Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; reports; articles; photographs; and clippings relating to R.W. (Bob) Sutton's time as a Canada Steamship Lines manager for the Collingwood and Kingston Shipyards.
Sutton, Robert W.
The collection consists of scrapbooks containing clippings and correspondence relating to John G. Elliott, as well as to elements of Kingston life.
Werry, Robert
Robert William Cumberland fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, writings, student essays, news clippings and scrapbooks.
Cumberland, Robert William
Fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, and reports relating to the Rural Affairs Transition Committee, of the Transition Board, of the "New" City of Kingston.
Wolfe, Robert
Fonds consists of correspondence with Queen's University at Kingston, and the Dominion Rubber Company; and employment applications.
Moir, Robert Young
Fonds consists of research material gathered together before, and during, the writing of her book, "Setting the agenda : Jean Royce and the shaping of Queen's University".
Hamilton, Roberta