The fonds consists of a body of artwork consisting of original illustrations, cartoons, drawings, and mixed media images provided to publishers, magazines, and various media outlets, including "Harrowsmith Magazine", "Equinox", "Bungalo Books", "Groundwood Press", and "Pokeweed Press".
The fonds consists of correspondence, clippings, speeches, reports and photographs dealing largely with Dr. Stirling's long association with Queen's University, particularly the period when he was Chancellor. Most of these papers are about Dr. Stirling's public life.
Fonds consists of images of the Carruthers family and friends, household interiors, pinics, and other family outings. Most were taken in and around one of the family dwellings -- the "Annandale" in Kingston, Ontario, and at the family cottage, located on Carruthers Point, Kingston, Ontario, now used as a Girl Guides of Canada cabin and camp site.
Fonds consists of correspondence; subject files; minutes and reports relating to various Queen's University Committees; addresses; reviews of Dr. Gunn's work, plus reviews by him of others' publications; manuscripts, articles, and published works; research and lecture notes; correspondence, notes, research, reports relating to the Benjamin Disraeli and Bertrand Russell Projects; material relating to the submission of grant proposals; correspondence, programmes, notes and other piblications relating to conferences, seminars, and workshops attended by Dr. Gunn over the years.
The collection consists of correspondence, including a letter of advice, written one week after Confederation, by John A. Macdonald, to Thomas.A. Milne, of Markham Mills, and the Union candidate for the Riding of East York in the 1867 election, concerning James Metcalfe, the ultimate winner; account book (1855-1858); land and business papers; a badge and press clippings about unveiling of the memorial to Macdonald in City Park, Kingston, in 1895.