Collection consists of Queen's University student notes in physics and philosophy by Minnie W. Murray, 1891-1892, Queen's printed calendars, programmes and memorabilia, 1919-1948 and graduating class pictures, n.d. and 1922.
The collection consists of research files; correspondence; subject files; reports including Annual Reports; newsletters and other printed material; records relating to former employees; donations to David Young's research from other individuals; photographs; moving image, and sound recordings; cartoons (some autographed), by some well known cartoonists, such as Andy Donato of the "Toronto Sun" and xxx, and given to David Young during his time as editor of "Research Quarterly", the technical publication of the Research Division of Ontario Hydro; and David Young's extensive 1,275 page manuscript entitled "Dobson Chronicle: A History of Ontario Hydro's Research Laboratories, 1912-1994."
The collections includes images of posters relating to recruitment for the Red Cross, Women at war, French Canadians, civilians home front, war bonds (American, British and Canadian), exhibitions and posters in French by Germany Army of Occupation, German election posters, 1947-1949.
Collection of published material relating to Wolfe Island. Includes a copy of "Wolfe Island Past & Present" by Winston M. Cosgrove (1973), two copies of "Out of the Past - Wolfe Island Sketches" by K. Jean Richardson (ed 1965 & ed 1967), one photocopy of History of Wolfe Island Mrs. James Hawkins Ed (1967) and one phtocopy of "Kingston And District: Selected Publications", Historic Kingston, No. 15, pp. 67-90 (January 1967).
Three booklets compiled by Fern Small and Ken Collins for the Ontario Genealogical Society pertaining to the cemeteries on Wolfe Island. One booklet of Horne & Point Alexandria United Church Cemetery, concessions VIII &IX - Lots 10 map reference #898875 (1973). One booklet of Trinity Church Anglican Cemetery, Concession IV - Lot 3 map reference #846938 (1973). One booklet of Scared Heart Roman Catholic Cemeteries, Old Cemetery Concession VI - Lot 4 map reference #845937 & New Cemetery Concession VII - Lot 3 map reference #848936. Each booklet outlines a variety of information ranging from the location, history, graveyard dimensions, records, and maps of those buried at each cemetery while also making reference to the history of the churches and congregations involved with each cemetery.
Collection consists of records relating to the founding of the Toronto Stock Exchange by Herbert Mortimer and others; financial records; genealogical material pertaining to Herbert and other members the Mortimer Family; and early real estate maps of Durham (1882) and Port Arthur, Ontario (1887), "Railway Guide to Manitoba", issued by the provincial government (1887), and the City of Vancouver ('Canadian Pacific Town Site' - 1887).
Fonds consists of correspondence sent by William Peruniak to his mother during the Second World War and during his time as a student at Queen's University.
The collection consists of blueprints, drawings, sketches, specifications, correspondence, and invoices for Kingston and area buildings, including Tete du Pont Barracks; Kingston General Hospital Nurses' Home; Carruthers, Nicol, Fleming, and Ontario Halls on the Queen's University at Kingston campus; private residences including Fettercarin, Bermingham, Spragg, the Eastbourne Summer Home; and commercial buildings including Kingston Auto Sales. Architects include William Newlands, Power and Son, Gillen & Gillen, and Frank T. Lent.