Address side of cover, addressed and franked to Fred Neville.
- CA ON00239 F19
- Discrete Item
- 4 May 1830
Bagot, Charles
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Address side of cover, addressed and franked to Fred Neville.
Bagot, Charles
Address by Raymond Hart Massey
Typescript of convocation address at Queen's University.
Massey, Raymond Hart
Item is a printed bill relating to losses incurred during the Rebellion of 1837.
Account books of unknown Kingston merchant
Items are two account books for an unknown Kingston merchant, 1827-1832 and 1831-1864.
Two account books of an unidentified merchant, possibly Kingston. Accounts of various people in Kingston and Storrington, surrounding areas, recording purchases, repairs, fees for labour, etc.
Item is a handyman's account book from Kingston.
Quirk, G.
Account book for The Schooners H. J. Jones and Laurel
A Ship's Account Book which shows the expenses of the Schooner H.J. Jones and the Schooner Laurel.
The ledger of accounts lists both debits and credits for various Indigenous individuals and/or their families, listing items purchased and the cost, as well as the credited value of the furs, canoes or services provided (as guide or paddler) in exchange for goods. Individual family names mentioned in the book are as follows: Chingigan, Quéquétashitch, Sagaqueshcawa, Endianoy, Kishabick, Saganackishkam, Mitassogone (alias Ten Nights), Wabanangay, Awassikigick, Eguiniwina, Monjackipinacy, Eniwishcowa, Misinabigan, Poutchonce, Ogotchitch, Weyouse, Meyawabenwey, Camisquabenokee, Nabikitawa, Oguimanwanaquit, Nawaqueshkam, Nikickoboam, Misigwabe, Seyqueweshitch, Espasawetch, Heniwabenokee, Miscoutiquane, Enénne, Weyassigay, Shwassowiné, Keloweshcawa, Coucatchie, Piquaghkoshtiquanagan, Macatai Ininie, Piquitchinini, Canangiwetch, Wabichinigish, Wabacon, Ochiboy, Omisoe, Wacakigick, Boeref, Oguimankigisk, Misinangay, Capaykigickonce, Neyabinawa, Minawanikigick, Canisawetch, Sagatap. (transcription errors are likely)
North West Company. Fort Temiscamingue
Records, maple syrup sales in the Bay of Quinte area.
Contains nineteen articles for constitution of the bank as approved by the directors. It appears from an article in the British Whig that the bank commenced operations in 1836.
Accommodation Bank